Why bananas are Radioactive


 Bananas are Radioactive

Yes, it's true, they are radioactive!

But there's no for panic, you won't die from eating one after eating your workout or after having a banana smoothie. Potassium is a necessary substance for the healthy operation of your body, You would have to eat a LOT of bananas just to compete with the natural potassium does of your body.
Other 'radioactive ' potassium-rich foods include spinach, white beans, apricots, salmon, avocados, mushrooms, and yogurt. Let me explain!
brazil nuts

A little fella called potassium. 

Bananas naturally contain potassium, and some of the Potassium is radioactive.
The radioactive potassium houses one extra neutron in the nucleus compared to the stable one. The overpopulation of neutrons causes the nucleus to decay and emit radiation
This means that every second there  are 15 nuclei decayings in a banana, which in physical terms would mean that the banana contains 15 Becquerel (Bq) of radiation

I don't think this says much about anything .so lets put things into perspectives.
100 grams of bananas have 0.328 grams of potassium, of which 0.012 percent is K-40. Which is to say 100 grams of bananas give you 0.00003936 grams of K-40.
seems very small? It is. But wait.
Now, the 0.00003936 grams of-40 that you did get has a life of 1,25 billion years, compared to the 5,715-years half of the c-14 inside you.

How many Bananas can I eat a day?

Usually occurs if you are exposed to 1 Siever of radiation. This is a whole lot of radiation and the only time in history that civilians have been exposed to these amounts has been in atomic bombings and nuclear accidents, such as Chernobyl, Nagasaki, and Hiroshima.
So it's not like this is a common thing and obviously, you have already figured out that no one has ever died from eating banans

In order to receive a deadly amount of radiation, you'd have to eat 10 million bananas at once. Even if you were a magician I think you'd have a difficult time doing so. You won't even eat 10milion banans in a lifetime unless you eat a banana every minute of your life. Don't accept this a challenge, please......

Banans Equivantet Dose(BED)

There is a fun quantity some people like to use when talking about radiation doses. It's called Bannan equivalent does BED for short.
What it does is simply converter any radiation exposure to the number of bananas.
Usually, we say one banana gives 0.1 micro Sievert, so a dental X-ray would be as eating 100-banans .a mammography would be equal to eating 1000 bananas, which is a bit more. but it's still way less than 10 million.
Is an information measurement of ionizing radiation exposure, intended as a gentle education example to compare a does of general education example to compare a dose of radioactivity to the portion one is presented to by eating one normal estimated banana? Bananas contain naturally occurring radioactive isotopes, particularly potassium-40 k, one of several -occurring isotopes of potassium. One BED is often correlated to10-7 sievert (0.1μSv); hover, in practice, this dose is not cumulative, as the principal radioactive components are excreted to maintain metabolic equilibrium. The BED is just intended to advise people in general about the presence regarding extremely low degrees of characteristic food and is not a formally adopted does measurement.

Health Benefits of Banana Peppers

 Ranging from mild to spicy and available in many different sizes, peppers can be used in a variety of dishes or eaten fresh as a snack. The species Capsicum includes several favorite types of pepper, including one of the most popular varieties: the banana pepper.

 Commonly found at sandwich shops and salad bars, banana peppers are known for packing a punch of flavor without being as spicy as other common pepper varieties. Banana peppers are named for their oblong shape and yellow color, which make them look a lot like bananas. However, as they ripen, these peppers can take on other colors such as orange or red.

 Health Benefits

Due to their high fiber content, banana peppers are filling despite being low in calories. Banana peppers are also chock full of important nutrients, including several key vitamins and minerals.

Here are a few of the most notable health benefits of banana peppers:

 Lower Blood Pressure

A one-cup serving of banana pepper contains 103 milligrams of vitamin C, well over the recommended daily value. Preliminary research suggests that vitamin C can play a role in controlling blood pressure.

 Improved Brain Function

Only one cup of banana pepper incorporates a large portion of your suggested day by day estimation of nutrient B6. Vitamin B6 helps the body produce dopamine and serotonin, which impact everything from motivation to communicate with other parts of the body. By getting enough B6, you can reduce your risk of sleep problems, mood changes, and other issues.

 Fights Obesity

 Banana peppers contain a compound called capsaicin. Capsaicin is the chemical that makes peppers spicy, but it may also play a role in addressing obesity and related health concerns. Research suggests that capsaicin may help improve the body’s metabolism and reduce the accumulation of body fat.

 Improved Digestion

 The capsaicin in banana peppers can help speed up the digestive process, increase your metabolism, and even protect against stomach ulcers. Their high fiber levels may also help reduce or treat constipation and other digestive problems.


Nutrients per Serving

One cup of banana peppers contains:

 Banana peppers are also an excellent source of:

 Continued How to Prepare Banana Peppers

When selecting banana peppers, consider their color. Mild, yellow peppers taste the sweetest, and they grow spicier as they change from yellow to red.

 Most varieties of banana pepper are ready for harvest in July or August. Some varieties require a longer growing season and are harvested in September. Banana peppers can be found at the supermarket or farmer's markets, but many people grow them in their own gardens. As long as they receive plenty of water and sunlight, they are easy to grow.

The following harvest or buy, banana peppers ought to be kept in a cool domain. Properly stored in the fridge, they last about one week. I chopped and placed in airtight containers, they can be stored in the freezer for up to one year. Some people prefer to air dry or dehydrate banana peppers before eating.

 Banana peppers can improve a variety of recipes. Try these ideas for incorporating them in your diet:

 Combine with cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, and Feta cheese to create a fresh Greek salad.

Add as a topping on your favorite homemade pizza.

Stuff with cream cheese, wrap in bacon and cook in the oven for a tasty snack.

Layer slices over turkey and cheese in a sandwich.

Use in salsa alongside or instead of jalapeno peppers.

Add to tacos, burritos, or nachos.

Feature with other types of peppers in hot pepper jelly.

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BED of one bananaat most, one microsievert or 1 Î¼Sv

2.To die from a single exposure(within days): 10Gy=10Sv(2)

3.To start having symptoms from chronic exposure:0.1Gy/yr for at least 7 years

How many bananas do you have to eat at once to die? 10Sv/1μSv=10.000.000: Ten million bananas. How many bananas do you have to eat to starts having symptoms? 274  bananas a day for 7 years.

posted by Melwin sera

thanks for watching gays

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