LG-Face Mask


 LG-Face mask

masks have become a norm rather than an exception in the last six months or so for your safety and for the people around you in the last six months masks have seen some innovation as well but LG is bringing a whole new tech to them LG has officially announced puri care wearable air purifier mask

How does it work?

The  PuriCare Wearable Air purifier uses a pair of HEPA replaceable filers quits similar to the filters used in the company's home air purifier products. It also comes paired with battery-powered fans that are claimed to help users breathe. The air purifier mask also includes sensors that detect when a user breathes in or out and adjusts the fans  speeds accordingly so the users don't face issues in breathing with the mask

The company claims that dual fans "allows users to take in clean, filtered air while the patented respiratory sensor detects the cycle and volume of the users both and adjustable the dual three-speed fans accordingly."LG also claims that the "fan automatically speed up to assist air intake and slow down to reduces resistance when exhaling to make breathing effortless".

LG Puricare Wearable is said to fit  snugly on the user's face and reduce the air leakage around the face and chin design also makes it possible to wear the unit comfortably for hours on end". the company claims.

The mask also included UV-LED lights that kill harmful germs. The LG thin Q mobile app notifies the user when the filters need to be replaced for peak performance. The app is available on both Andriod and ios LG clims that every component and recyclable.

The PuriCare Wearable Air Purifier comes packed with an 820mAH battery that claimed to offer up to eight hours of use in Low-power mode. In high-power mode, it an around two hours.

LG announced the PuriCare Wearable Air Purifier back in the month of July. As per a report from The Korea Herald, at the time of the announcement the company said it will donate around 2,000 of those devices to a Universities in wearing the mask for long hours, LG wants to help them with its portable air purifier mask.

With the wearable air purifier mask, LG wants to replace the "inconsistent" homemade masks worn by many and also disposable ones. The company doesn't highlight if the air purifier mask has been designed in response to the covid-19 pandemic.

posted by: Melwin sera

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